IAPS Summer Meeting 2018
17 May 2018 @ 9:00 am - 19 May 2018 @ 12:00 pm
Dear Colleagues
We the executive of the Irish Association of Plastic Surgeons are delighted to welcome you to the Annual Summer Meeting being held this year in The Spencer Hotel, Spencer Dock, Dublin.
The focus of this year’s meeting is bariatric surgery, body contouring and trunk reconstruction. We have an exciting programme of international and interspeciality guests speaker and a social events organized.
We would be delighted to welcome you to our meeting. Registration at http://plasticsurgery.ie
With best wishes and a Céad Míle Fáilte
Pádraic Regan
IAPS President
International speakers:
Dr Al Aly, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabai
Mr Shadi Ghali, Royal Free Hospital, London
Ms Nora Nugent, Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead
Interspecialty Speakers:
Ms Helen Heneghan, St. Vincents University Hospital, Elm Park, Dublin 4
National speakers (Plastic Surgery):
Mr Nadeem Ajmal, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin
Dr Patricia Eadie, St. James’s Hospital and OLCHC
Mr Richard Hanson, Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Dublin
Ms Siun Murphy, Blackrock Clinic, Co. Dublin
Mr David Orr, St. James’s Hospital and OLCHC
Mr Odhran Shelley, St. James’s Hospital, Dublin
This meeting has been assigned 12 external CPD points
(6 points Thursday/ 6 points Friday)
Thursday 17th May
9.00-12.30 IAPS Business Meeting
9.00 -12.30 Trainee Forum
12.30-13.30 Subcommittee Meeting
12.30-14.30 Lunch and Registration
14.30 Official Opening of Meeting, Mr Padraig Regan IAPS President
14.50-15.30 Bariatric Surgery, Ms Helen Heneghan
15.30-16.10 Massive Weight Loss Surgery in the Public Sector, Mr Odhran Shelley
16.10-16.50 Body Contouring, Mr Al Ali
19.00 Reception and Dinner
Friday 18th May
8.00-8.30 Registration and Welcome
8.30-8.40 Mentoring in Plastic Surgery, Dr Patricia Eadie
8.40-9.50 Free Paper Session
10.00-10.30 Coffee and Trade Exhibitions
10.30 Aesthetic and Reconstructive Abdominal Wall Surgery
10.30-11.00 Complex Abdominal Wall Reconstruction, Mr Shadi Ghali
11.00-11.30 Paediatric Trunk Reconstruction, Mr David Orr
11.30-12.00 Liposuction, Ms Nora Nugent
12.00-12.30 Belt Lipectomy, Mr Al Ali
12.30-13.30 Lunch and Trade Exhibitions
13.30-14.50 Free Paper Session
14.50 -15.20 Coffee and Trade Exhibitions
15.20 Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Perineum
15.20-15.50 Reconstruction of the Colorectal/ Perianal Defect, Mr Nadeem Adjmal
15.50-16.20 Reconstruction of the Gynaeoncological Defect, Mr Richard Hanson
16.20-16.50 Transgender Surgery – an approach and practice, Dr Patricia Eadie
16.50-17.20 Perineal cosmetics and Rejuvenation, Ms Siun Murphy
17.30 Presentation of Gerry Edwards Medal and Close of Scientific Meeting
Saturday 19th May
10.00-12.00 Golf Outing, Edmonstown GC, Rathfarnham.